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Raleigh Hills

Little League

Raleigh Hills Little League


Who can sign up for RHLL?

Any child age 5-12 who resides or attends public or private schools within the attendance areas of the following Beaverton School District schools: Raleigh Hills, Raleigh Park, Montclair, McKay, Vose and Greenway.  Any child that lives in the section of Bridlemile ES boundary that is in Washington County is also eligible to play.  A map of our boundaries is available here.

When does registration close?

Registration closes for Majors and AAA on February 14th, 2025

For T-Ball, A and AA, registration closes February 28th,  2025.

What are the Little League age requirements?

Whatever your child's age will be as of August 31, 2025, will be his or her baseball age for the 2025 season.

Use this calculator to determine your child's baseball age.

How much does it cost to play?

T-Ball: $145

A-Ball: $185

AA-Ball: $250

AAA: $300

Majors: $325

RHLL has a cap of $625.00 per family with multiple players

Are there scholarships available?

It is the policy of Little League and RHLL that all kids who want to play baseball should be able to do so. THPRD offers financial assistance  to those who qualify. You can contact  [email protected] for further information or help with this process, our goal is to remove any barrier for players to allow participation!

What equipment does my child need?

Players need their own mitts, cleats and pants.  Coaches will recommend a color, but grey is usually the best option. Additionally, players may want to bring their own batting helmets and bats. Please be advised that Little League has adopted a new bat standard that went into effect Jan. 1, 2018.

What bat size does my child need?

Bat size is determined by age, size and skill level. Read more here for how to choose the right bat for your child.

What level should my child be playing in?

* T-Ball is primarily for 5 and 6 year olds in kindergarten; however, pre-K's turning 5 by Aug. 31 of 2025 and 1st graders who have never played organized baseball also play T-Ball.

* A-Ball is primarily for 6 and 7 year olds. A-Ball is great for athletic 6 year olds with a high level of interest and first-time 7s. Any player with average or better skill development and one year of T-Ball should be ready for A-Ball.

* AA-Ball is primarily for 8 and 9 year olds, with some 7s and 10s mixed in. Once a player has grasped the concepts and physical aspects of A-Ball, AA is the next step. It starts with machine pitch and introduces player-pitch as the season moves along.

* AAA-Ball is mostly for 9-10 year olds with some 11 year olds mixed in. Players undergo tryouts on in late February. This year is exclusively player-pitch.

* Majors is mostly 11 and 12 year olds. Players undergo a tryout, and a tournament team is selected at the conclusion of the season to compete in the Little League World Series competition.

How do I find out what my THPRD ID is?

If you have ever registered for an activity through Tualatin Hills Recreation District, you received a THPRD Residency card. To apply for a new THPRD residency card, you will have to visit your nearest THPRD facility and bring identification as well as proof of residency (e.g. a utility bill) with you. For more information about THPRD residency information, click here.

How is RHLL funded?

Raleigh Hills Little League is a nonprofit funded by registration fees and the generous donations of corporate sponsors and individual donations. You can donate now or find out more about sponsorships here.

When is the RHLL season?

The RHLL season typically begins the first weekend of April and runs through the middle of June. Practices start early March for AAA and Majors and mid- to late March for AA, A, T-ball.

For AAA and Majors, post-season tournament teams are selected to play in Little League and district-sponsored tournaments in late June and early July.

RHLL also provides a Fall Ball program that runs early September through the end of October. This season is generally games only.

When will I be contacted by a coach?

AAA and Majors: You will be notified by your coach regarding your child's placement and team schedule within a week after tryouts.
T-ball, A, and AA: Your coach will notify you before Spring Break.

How often and where do teams practice and play?

All games are played at Raleigh Hills-area schools and local fields.

T-Ball has one practice per week and one game on Saturday.

A-Ball has one practice per week and 1-2 games per week.

AA-Ball has one 1-2 practices per week and 1-2 games per week.

AAA-Ball has 2 practices per week and 2 games per week.

Majors practice 2 times per week and play 2-3 games per week.

How are the teams determined?

T-Ball, A-Ball and AA-Ball are placed on school-area teams.

AAA-Ball and Majors undergo a tryout, and all players are placed on a team via a draft system conducted by managers and the player agent. Teams are formed that are comparable in talent levels.

Can girls play Little League?

Yes, girls are welcome to play Little League through RHLL, though we only offer baseball programs. They can also sign up with our new partner organization, South Beaverton Girls Little League, for softball (ages 4-14). Additional player resources for Girls can be found on our site here: Player Resources


Fall Baseball frequently asked questions:

Can my child play both soccer or football and baseball?

A: In the past, many families have balanced Fall baseball and soccer, and several have played football and baseball, but the decision is up to you and your family. Football in particular can be a strain, although many have done it, especially to participate in Sunday games.  We try to carry larger fall rosters to accommodate possible conflicts, and the coaches understand that nearly all players will have other priorities and commitments. That said, you should sign up for fall ball with just games and commit to attending at least 60% of the games to make it worthwhile on both sides if you plan on playing another sport.

When and where are Fall Ball games?

A: Fall baseball involves two games per weekend. The games can be Friday evening, Saturday late afternoon, and/or Sunday afternoon, although most games are on Sunday, including an occasional double header.  Games can be local (Sunset Park, Cedar Hills Park or the THPRD main complex) or require travel within the greater Portland area to fields such as Cook Park in Tigard or Westlake or Waluga Parks in Lake Oswego.  There are usually a few games that require travel to the eastside or towns along Highway 30 that are part of Little League District 2, who co-sponsors Fall Ball with our local district. There are no make-ups.

What age players are on fall ball teams?

A: Players will play on a team as determined by their baseball age for 2022, meaning players who will be 11 or 12 are normally in the Majors division, and players who will be 9 or 10 are normally in the AAA division.

We will also try to field a couple of teams to play in the AA (7-8 years old) division of Fall Ball, possibly in conjunction with players from a neighboring league. Keep in mind that if we do field a team, games will be played by rules that prevail in most leagues in D4, which means that some combination of player and coach/machine pitch will be used, and players should be ready for that. If we do not have sufficient interest or if families ultimately prefer it, Fall Baseball at this level may revert to a "sandlot" format with a workout and sandlot style game planned at a set time each Sunday at a local field, probably Raleigh Park.

What other teams do we play?

A: RHLL teams play other District 4 teams like SW Portland, Tigard, Lake Oswego, Murrayhill, Cedar Mill and Westview. Fall games are also sometimes played against teams from District 2, including Wilshire-Riverside, Hollywood-Rose City and St. Helens. These games require some travel (but they do more of it than we do!).

Do Fall Ball teams practice?

A: Fall Ball teams may have one or two practices leading into the season, followed by game focus once the season starts.

How much does Fall Baseball cost?

A: $110 per player. Register and pay online at